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What We Leave Behind
Peace can only be found when we are not bound. Made in Procreate
shitsu wareta shōjo
"I found her, but she was wrapped in worries, like a dense web of dark thoughts that kept her trapped and lost in herself." 「私は彼女を見つけましたが、彼女は不安に包まれており、暗い思考の密集した網のようなもので、彼女は自分自身に閉じ込められ、迷っていました。」 Watashi wa kanojo o mitsukemashitaga, kanojo wa fuan ni tsutsumi ma rete ori, kurai shikō no misshū shita ami no yōna mono de, kanojo wa jibun jishin ni tojikome rare, mayotte imashita. - It was a cold night, and there she was, motionless, in the shadows of the deserted road.
Within the light
I looked through the darkest hour and found a weave of truth. A2 Paper 61cm by 45.7cm Ink Freehand Celtic knot Taken by way of Cannon Rebel 17
特に陶磁器の釉薬(陶磁器や琺瑯の表面をおおっているガラス質の部分)やその焼き物の色調に見られる淡い青みがかった美しい白色。 中国の宋時代に発展した青白磁は、その優雅な色調と滑らかな質感が特徴で、日本の茶道具や装飾品にも影響を与え、大名クラス以上の人々に珍重された。 自然界の柔らかな光や水の透明感を思わせ、落ち着きと品格を感じさせる色。 A beautiful white color with a light bluish tinge, especially found in ceramic glazes (the glassy part covering the surface of ceramics and enamel) and their pottery tones. Developed in China during the Song dynasty, blue-and-white porcelain, with its elegant coloring and smooth texture, influenced Japanese tea ceremony utensils and decorative objects, and was prized by people of the daimyo class and above. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 肌、髪、虹彩など、あらゆる肉体が白く生まれる一族の少年。世襲で神社の祭神となり、祀られている。 年に2度の大祭の折にだけ仮面を外し、素顔を見せ、声を出す。 その日以外は決して外に出ず、社に籠り祈りを捧げている。 He is a boy of a family born white in every physical aspect, including skin, hair, and iris. He is enshrined as a shrine deity by hereditary succession. He takes off his mask, reveals his true face, and speaks out only on the occasion of the twice-yearly grand festival. List~2025/3/31.