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A light in the darkness
Digital, 2023
COLORFUL #57 : Light Sky Blue
Light of the Moon
Light of the Moon is a series of explorations combining anime, western comic books and fine art aesthetics. They were made by hand painting over layers of unique AI prompt generated images that were blended and layered together.
Bereft of Light
Digitally hand drawn illustration 6000 x 7500 px, 600 DPI (Elden Ring Tribute)
Light Tangerine
Blended in Light Tangerine she waits for her partner. With a sweet taste on her lips and a slight sour gaze. She waits to be danced with. A light tangerine dance.
All the light We cannot see Lovely, dark, Soundless and deep Figures shift, restless In the mist A maskless mayhem Patiently waits Shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 film. 2023 2070x3100px
Light of Darkness
Everything in the past. Everything that we are facing today. Everything that will happen in the future. We cannot leave the bad things and keep only the good things. All of that is our life. Illustration by : Umi Size : 2750 x 4500px
Real Magic
Even in pitch darkness you can find light. I'm talking about the light inside you. About courage, kindness, care and love. At a time when everyone forgets what it is, you can become a guiding star for someone. This is real magic. Procreate, 2023
Creation of the cosmos☄️
The beautiful universe was adorned with the light of many stars. These were obtained through the care of the maids.
Within the light
I looked through the darkest hour and found a weave of truth. A2 Paper 61cm by 45.7cm Ink Freehand Celtic knot Taken by way of Cannon Rebel 17
Within the temple there is light and through this we will behold a world where we can build and explore. Within us, within ourselves we will become sacred. Ink Black, Queen Allium purple, Silver ink Magenta, purple and pink pastel 61cm by 45.7cm
Can You See The Light ?
"I'm Hikari... I remember..." said the mysterious girl in a blue dress. The girl with the pony tail extended a friendly hand, introducing herself with a warm smile. "I'm Rino. Are you okay? Why were you sleeping on the beach?" Hikari, her eyes still reflecting the mystery of the sea, replied calmly, "I landed here." Perplexed, Rino questioned, "Landed? How do you mean?" Hikari's gaze turned skyward, and with a serene certainty, she uttered, "From the sky." Rino's laughter rang out, a mix of disbelief and amusement. "You must be kidding, right? From the sky?" Twitter @airforcetuannft [Can You See The Light ?] Artist: Tuan HollaBack Tools: Pencil, Pen, Adobe Photoshop, Wacom Tablet Dimension: 3508 x 4961 px , 300 dpi Year: 2023
The Burning Light
His heart longed for a return to the celestial realms, where worldly concerns held no sway. Tragedies unfolded around him, yet he remained blinded by the celestial radiance, oblivious to earthly woes. His tale serves as a poignant reminder of the divide between esoteric knowledge and the tangible world, where the pursuit of profound insights can be a solitary journey, bathed in the glow of the stars.
Secret Sifer
Beneath the northern light ,One high IQ girl who lives here has special hidden ability to commands thousands machinery soldiers on battle fields.
Yamanote Kids - "AsaDoll"
Yamanote Kids - "AsaDoll" ⛩️🍭 Where do we go running through the dark night? The moonlight is the only guiding light The pain and sadness can't be wiped away For who do we carry on our lives for Intertwining destiny 🪢
“Between skin and skin, there is only light.” ― John Fowles, The Magus
特に陶磁器の釉薬(陶磁器や琺瑯の表面をおおっているガラス質の部分)やその焼き物の色調に見られる淡い青みがかった美しい白色。 中国の宋時代に発展した青白磁は、その優雅な色調と滑らかな質感が特徴で、日本の茶道具や装飾品にも影響を与え、大名クラス以上の人々に珍重された。 自然界の柔らかな光や水の透明感を思わせ、落ち着きと品格を感じさせる色。 A beautiful white color with a light bluish tinge, especially found in ceramic glazes (the glassy part covering the surface of ceramics and enamel) and their pottery tones. Developed in China during the Song dynasty, blue-and-white porcelain, with its elegant coloring and smooth texture, influenced Japanese tea ceremony utensils and decorative objects, and was prized by people of the daimyo class and above. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 肌、髪、虹彩など、あらゆる肉体が白く生まれる一族の少年。世襲で神社の祭神となり、祀られている。 年に2度の大祭の折にだけ仮面を外し、素顔を見せ、声を出す。 その日以外は決して外に出ず、社に籠り祈りを捧げている。 He is a boy of a family born white in every physical aspect, including skin, hair, and iris. He is enshrined as a shrine deity by hereditary succession. He takes off his mask, reveals his true face, and speaks out only on the occasion of the twice-yearly grand festival. List~2025/3/31.
“In a world full of colors, be the vibrant shade of pink.” – Alexandra Vasiliu This particular shade of pink translates to a light pink with a very slight orange undertone—some might call it a light coral. On the color wheel, it sits closer to the pink section but with a subtle shift towards orange. This subtle blend of warmth from the orange with the softness of pink creates a vibrant yet soothing feel.
Amethyst meaning : Sincerity, Peace of mind, True love, Humility, Nobility. Amethyst is the violet variety of quartz, with beautiful colors ranging from dark violet to light violet, like the color of lilac. Purple is associated with nobility and spirituality in many regions, and amethyst has a history of being worn as jewelry by royalty and the clergy. The name amethyst is based on Greek mythology and comes from the ancient Greek word "amethustos", meaning "not drunk". Amethyst is a protective stone that helps to reduce intoxication in life, control the noise of too strong emotions, and keep thoughts cool and sober. It is also known to calm the mind and help to relax. It also has the aspect of a love stone that improves relationships and brings good guidance in love.
bittersweet memory
time flows in cycles, doesn't it? *the light wind breaks the silence, singing in harmony with the thoughts* sometimes, i can't tell if it's the dawn of a new day or the end of another. and if it weren't for you, i would be lost in those memories.
Luminous Flow
LUMINΦUS FLΦW A ballet of spirits wandering through the ethereal realm, conducted by the wand of imagination. It's as if the very essence of light becomes an elegant dancers, gracefully weaving their luminescent tapestry in the grand theater of space. Together they are twirling and leaping with effortless elegance, casting their luminous glow upon all fortunate enough to cross their path. ✧ by Looona Lou August 2023 1800 x 3000 px
murgogi under light
murgogi gathering under light Ennichi uniting Community heart... No politics ...