Never ever let them steal your spark. ~ 2387x1700 px
“Quiet! I've got them in my sights”
It is a blessing to be able to choose. But at the same time there is unhappiness because of the ability to choose. The more you pursue, the more choices you have, but it is up to you to choose what you want out of them. I am always looking for a keyhole somewhere and its key. Can I capture a light that has never been seen before? Is the keyhole someone has shown me the answer? I shall make my choice. If a shadow looks real, it is the one truth. I will use my style to lead the best out of this world full of hardship. --------- 選ぶことができるのは幸せだ。 しかし同時に選ぶことが出来るが故の不幸も存在する。 追求すればするほど選択は増えるが、その中から欲しいものを選び取ることができるかは自分次第だ。 私は常にどこかにある鍵穴とその鍵を探している。 今までにない光を捉えることが出来るか。誰かが示した鍵穴が答えなのか? 私は自分の意思で選択しよう。影が本物に見えるなら、それは一つの真実なのだ。 私は私のスタイルで苦難に満ちたこの世から最善を導く。
"No one is a perfect "angel" or a cruel "demon". The key is to recognize these two opposing forces within ourselves and learn to control them. Remember, "angels" and "demons" are both parts of being "human". We must learn to coexist with these two polarities peacefully and harmoniously.
IMTNF WORLD - An Augmented Reality NFT Collection This is the first piece of a series of AR enabled images. "Spring" is more than just a piece of art—it's a gateway to an immersive augmented reality experience that transcends traditional boundaries. This collection harnesses the power of AR technology to animate artworks, allowing them to dynamically interact with both their environment and the viewer. As you engage with these pieces, your actions trigger captivating effects that bring the artwork to life, crafting a unique and responsive experience each time.
The world is full of wonders and we have very little time to discover all of them. every wonder has seen in different way from the eyes of people. by looking into the unknown, we can only feel it. the deep sea is the most unknown place on earth and discovering the underwater world and its magical creatures is wonder. let's dive! (digital painting)
Honey, why are you looking at other girls? You don't need them; you only need me. I'm the only one here for you.
The Blue Dragon God, who is the most interested in and friendly to humans among the dragon gods, has his own body close to that of humans and lives with them. A group of dragon gods travel around the world visiting libraries in search of knowledge.
"The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again." (c)The Dunwich Horror by H. P. Lovecraft 7680x4320px. Pure math fractals. Code-based. 2024 Software: Apophysis 7X
"I always have told to do things I never wanted to for myself since I was young. This.. also one of them that I've been forced to do so. I have plans for myself since I graduated from high school, but mom never agree with that. She wants me get a Bachelor degree, just because she never get a chance to finish college. So she want me to be the one who finish it. Just a blink of my eyes and all my own dream disappear just for my mother's sake. It's all because I'm too scared to say what I need. Too scare to walk on my own path because everyone says it will never go well. This is my story. A story of a child who have grown up to be an adult that she never wanting to be." 4140 x 3392 px [PNG]
Based on Serbian folk tradition, we can see that there was a widespread belief in dragons (ЗМАЈ), mythical creatures that are imagined differently in various places and occasions. Not to be confused with Ala or Aždaja, those were completely different beings. According to beliefs about appearance and some characteristics, we can divide them into three groups: dragons that identify with meteorites, dragon-men, and dragon-serpents. What they all have in common is that they are not evil beings, although there are exceptions, and they are not that rare. The appearance of the dragon was shaped by the popular imagination in different ways, connecting it with traditions and giving it certain attributes, so sometimes it's hard to even imagine what they looked like. Sometimes they change shape, sometimes they share common elements from all three mentioned groups, while sometimes they are talked about without any details at all. Yet we can list a few examples. In eastern Serbia, it was believed that the dragon was some kind of bird with a ram's head and a snake's tail which flies at night and lightens up the sky like a shooting star. There is also a belief that the dragon is born from a carp (fish), when it reaches forty years of age, because that's when it gets legs and wings. Sometimes, again, the dragon is imagined as an eagle fighting with Alas and Aždajas, which then creates stormy clouds and lightning. At last, a dragon can also have a human appearance. In eastern Serbia, certain people were believed to be dragons. They defend their village and region from the elements. For many figures from our folklore, it's been said that they were dragons or to have been born from a dragon and a fairy, or an ordinary human woman. It was believed that there are ordinary people who are dragons, and when disaster strikes, they die and seem to fall asleep, and from their bodies then a spirit (or a duplicate) comes out, which goes to fight with the thunderclouds. According to this belief, dragons could be both male and female. Likewise, it was believed that the dragon was stronger younger, it was even thought that the strongest dragon would be the newborn baby that hadn't even been nursed yet. It is clear from the whole description that the dragon from our folk mythology is a greatly anthropomorphized being, having the same characteristics as a human. He thinks and works like an ordinary man, he just has other certain characteristics, he can fly, he has enormous strength, he has the ability to shape-shift from one form to another (from a man he can become an eagle and vice versa; or he can leave the body in the form of a spirit and go fight with other demons) etc. To a large extent , the dragon represents our exceptionality, because of his uniqueness and differences in relation to the mythologies of other Slavic peoples.
"Dragon's Devotee" in other words, a group of people that dedicate their lives to serve the dragon. "Long ago, humans lived under the protection of dragons. However, wars occurred between humans. Then a group of people, who wanted peace, emerged. They expressed their request to the dragon, and the dragon granted their plea for peace. In return for the humans' gratitude, some of them dedicated themselves to serving the dragons." "The dragon was very pleased to see peace restored among humanity. Then the dragon bestowed some of its spirit upon its loyal followers, who also gained abilities and a physical form resembling that of a dragon." Twitter. @soritoea Artist: Soritoea Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Wacom Tablet Dimension: 3000 x 5000 px , 300 dpi Year: 2024
Does an object possess a soul? Consider a phone. Sometimes it seems to harbor its own emotions, faltering when it should function flawlessly. Or a painting? Rare, yet capable of transmitting feelings you feel good you scare and you feel very good. It beckons you to explore its beauty and madness. Like eyes, they too appear to hold a soul, except when gazing upon lifeless forms. Perhaps it’s not a matter of possession but of connection. Art yearns for connection with our gaze we breath life into them So, I don't know. In the quiet spaces between you and my art in your screen Can you give life to my creation and make it complete? Is there a soul within ordinary objects?
I'm at my breaking point; I don't know how much longer I can take this. Every day it gets worse. It doesn't feel real to me, I do not feel real. I have no idea who I am. People have high expectations of me, and I don't want to let them down. How can I tell them? What if I don't make it?
宇宙の探索途中、とある月に似た星に不時着。 その星には光る不思議なうさぎ型の生物が多数生息。 雪のようにふわふわ浮かび舞い降りる姿を気に入りしばらくこの星に滞在する事にした。 うさぎを模した生物がいる星は多数ある。この星もその一つなのだろう。 なぜ星にうさぎ型の生物が多いのか理由ははっきりとしていない。未だに謎に包まれている。 While exploring the universe, he crash-landed on a certain moon-like planet. The planet was inhabited by many strange, glowing, rabbit-like creatures. He liked the way they floated down like snow and decided to stay on this planet for a while. There are many stars with rabbit-like creatures. This planet may be one of them. The reason why there are so many rabbit-shaped creatures on this planet is not clear. It is still a mystery.
Some people think I’m just trying to make them laugh When really I just want them to be happy 🃏
Canna is a straight laced assassin who carries a heavy past on her shoulder. Traumatized by a certain event that happened in her life, She sought for a sync who can erase part of her memories. Jaws is a business man who lives a hedonistic life. As he was growing his empire, he sought for a capable person to act as his bodyguard. From there, he heard of Canna. He learnt about her impeccable reputation in fighting and her search in someone who can erase memories. As a sync who can manipulate people's memories, he approached her and proposed a deal to work together. Canna was hesitant at first, but her desperation led to them into forming an unlikely team.
I perceive human beings as flawed creatures, driven by desires and grappling with inner conflicts. We navigate a world that can sometimes feel isolating, filled with struggles of loneliness, alienation, and the pursuit of true happiness. It is in our encounters with others that we often witness the intricacies of human nature. We see the masks people wear, the facades they present to protect themselves or conform to societal expectations. Those masks can often prevent us from seeing the monsters beneath them, but they are still there.
Ancient and secretive Goddess of fertility. Her soul is in plants and always watches over people. She represents serenity and gives gifts only to those who have earned them by honest work.
You can pretend as much as you like that you are a white and fluffy, happy and cheerful person. But you will never deceive yourself. Your pain will continue to be with you, no matter where you go. Your wings will be dirty even if you don't look at them.