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Halloween Cats and Mouse
Me, @upsidan, @killergfnft #5 (the real and only true Cerise as confirmed by @crazzy) and @freedl212 all hanging out in the neighborhood. Plus spooky friend in the window (@xHentaix69) and my cat, Smokey (RIP) next to a pumpkin (which is prob a tubby in disguise). #KGFSpookySzn (Also important to note, @nuwuate getting laid in the room behind the orange curtain.) Happy Halloween 2023 ♥x
Amethyst meaning : Sincerity, Peace of mind, True love, Humility, Nobility. Amethyst is the violet variety of quartz, with beautiful colors ranging from dark violet to light violet, like the color of lilac. Purple is associated with nobility and spirituality in many regions, and amethyst has a history of being worn as jewelry by royalty and the clergy. The name amethyst is based on Greek mythology and comes from the ancient Greek word "amethustos", meaning "not drunk". Amethyst is a protective stone that helps to reduce intoxication in life, control the noise of too strong emotions, and keep thoughts cool and sober. It is also known to calm the mind and help to relax. It also has the aspect of a love stone that improves relationships and brings good guidance in love.
Ayumi : Three Gerberas
in the darkness of Ayumi's life, despite losing her sight, Ayumi knows that true love never needs eyes to see, just a heart that understands and memories that always live on. The three gerberas here symbolize “loyal love” with someone Ayumi misses who has disappeared since the great battle at that time.
One’s emotions are often fragile in the face of others’ words, leading to a transformation of their appearance and thoughts. This metamorphosis gradually obscures the true self, making it challenging to discern amidst the surface, much like losing one’s radiance in the midst of fog. 833 x 953 px 300dpi Hand-drawn digital painting Original art by Cacaboom
In the eyes of the Keeper, my flaws are the Codex, my heart sings true. Pastel Black Ink Metal (silver) ink 61cm by 45.7cm 250 hours total