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The First Tree
Towering at the center of the ancient forest, the "first tree" is an ancient, thousand-foot tall tree that many Kurindarians believe was the first living being on the continent.
A young girl in the ancient tomb who would deliver red wine to the souls of the resurrected, to those who drink forget their past.
Seraphina Shadowvale
In the midst of urban chaos, a witch dwells in shadows, concealing ancient powers in the folds of modernity. With eyes betraying centuries of wisdom, she navigates the mundane, guarding her dark secret from prying eyes. Her existence is a delicate balance, seamlessly merging into contemporary life while drawing upon sinister energies. A master of the occult, she keeps forbidden knowledge hidden, revealing only the enigmatic aura that surrounds her, a silent reminder of the potent forces lurking beneath the surface.
Ruler Of Ancient Egypt
The sculpture is made from brass and bronze, giving it a unique texture and color. Her face is carefully crafted with delicate details, including two eyes that are slightly open as if she's looking out into the world. She has long hair cascading down her back, adding to the beauty of this artwork. The background is dark black which helps bring out the golden hues in the statue even more. This piece of art could be found in any museum or temple, making it an impressive artifact for anyone to admire.
月の光に照らされた空を思わせる淡い白色。 白の中にもわずかな青や銀のニュアンスが含まれており、清涼感や繊細さを感じさせる色 日本では古来より、月に関連するものは雅で風流な象徴とされ、この色も茶道の掛け軸や和装の柄など、静謐で落ち着いた雰囲気の表現に使われた。 A pale bluish white reminiscent of a moonlit sky. Since ancient times in Japan, anything related to the moon has been considered a symbol of elegance and refinement, and this color has been used to express a tranquil and calm atmosphere, such as in hanging scrolls for the tea ceremony and patterns on Japanese clothing. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 生身で空が飛べる不思議な少年。 月の出る夜に現れ、深夜でも起きている人々に軽い悪戯をしては、去っていく。 彼と目を合わせた者は、これまで生きてきた人生上の「快樂」の記憶を全て抜かれ、悦楽の求め方を忘れ、虚無の人生を送る羽目になるという。 A mysterious boy who can fly. He appears on moonlit nights, plays light pranks on people who are awake in the middle of the night, and then leaves. It is said that anyone who makes eye contact with him will have all of their memories of the "pleasures" they have experienced in life up to that point stolen, forgetting how to seek pleasure and being forced to live a life of emptiness. List~2025/3/31.
Charlie Nova
Charlie Nova, a skilled bounty hunter with a mysterious past, grew up on the harsh desert planet of Aetheria. Raised by the enigmatic order of techno-sorcerers, she inherited a unique blend of ancient mysticism and advanced technology. Trained in the art of celestial navigation, she became known as the "Stellar Drifter," navigating the vast cosmos in search of bounties and justice. Haunted by the memory of a lost loved one and possessing a cybernetic arm with hidden powers, Charlie roams the neon-lit frontier of the galaxy. Her journey intertwines with the struggle for control over a powerful artifact known as the "Nova Core," capable of reshaping reality. As she navigates the treacherous alliances and rival factions, Charlie discovers the key to her own mysterious origins and a destiny that could change the fate of the entire galaxy.
Path of stars
Following the way across ancient lines, built into the very things that make our universe. Inspired by lydiaemoons Pastel Black Ink 61cm by 45.7cm 200 hours total
Ancient and secretive Goddess of fertility. Her soul is in plants and always watches over people. She represents serenity and gives gifts only to those who have earned them by honest work.