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🧟💙Gesyu-chan's Zombie and Living Doll🐇💙
Neither can truly be called alive, yet both possess the energy to move. They rely on it to continuously repair themselves. Perhaps, by fulfilling the role of living, both organic and inorganic beings can take root as entities worthy of trust.
わずかに赤みを帯びた、くすんだ紫色。 日本古来のくすんだイメージの紫を指し、近世の江戸紫や京紫に対して、そう呼ばれる。 主に紫草の根から抽出された染料で染められる。 紫色は古来より聖なる色としても扱われ、神秘的で高尚なイメージを持つ。 古代紫は暗みが強い紫で、落ち着きと品格を兼ね備えた色合いが特徴。 A slightly reddish, dusky purple. This color is called “Ancient purple” in contrast to Edo purple and Kyo purple of the modern era, which have a dusky image from ancient Japan. It is dyed mainly with a dye extracted from the roots of the purple grass. Purple has also been treated as a sacred color since ancient times, and has a mysterious and lofty image. Ancient purple is a darker shade of purple, characterized by its calmness and dignity. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 宮廷に仕え、記録書を書き記す女性。 記憶力が並外れており、どんな些細な出来事も正確に記憶している。 また、随筆も得意としており、こちらは別名義にて密かに文書を発表している文筆家。 A woman who serves the court and writes down the records. She has an extraordinary memory and can accurately recall even the most trivial of events. She also excels at writing essays, and is a writer who secretly publishes her documents under a different name. List~2025/3/31.
薄くくすんだ紅紫色。 その名前には「規定から外れた中途半端な色」という意味がある。 平安時代の格式において、紫は『深紫』『浅紫』の二色のみ規定されており、これには当てはらまない「許色(ゆるしいろ)」(身分を問わず着用を許された色)である。 「禁色」に当てはまらない紫色ということで、人気となった。 A light, dull reddish-purple color. Its name means “halfway color“. In the Heian period (794-1185), only two colors of purple, deep purple and light purple, were allowed to be worn, and this color was called “yurushi-iro” or “permitted color,” which did not fall under this category. “hashita-iro” became popular because it did not fall under any of the “forbidden(Colors that only the nobility can wear)” colors. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 義賊。 半陰陽(両性具有)であり、男女どちらの身体的特徴も併せ持つ。 男としても女としても自分の地位を確立できない事に悩み、貧しい人々の味方となる事で、自己を確立させようとしている。 A righteous bandit. This person is intersex and has both male and female physical characteristics. He is troubled by his inability to establish himself as either a man or a woman, and tries to establish himself by becoming an ally of the poor. List~2025/3/31.