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Summer Ride
It's summer and the living is easy. The sun is out and the sky is blue, so come on get happy! JPEG | 3547 x 4745 px
Diminished choices make it easy to identify what options are left Sometimes your best available option, is to just shout it all out Sometimes your only available choice, is to just shut it all out Conduit & Model: Will T. Atkins Photo/Light/Design/Install: Orban Isma
生活の中で何を求め手に入れても、憧れは止まらず不安や恐怖は絶えない。 彼女が欲しいものは愛?楽な生活?心の奥底にあるのは誇り高い自分。 恐れるものは老い?捕食者?何も見つけられぬまま消えていくことだろう。 でも大丈夫。身近な所にヒントはあるし、助けてくれる仲間もいるよ。 この作品は3層で表現されていて、上は憧れ、真ん中は現実、下は怖いものになっています。 不安を抱える全ての人に贈るよっ! No matter what she wants and gets in life, the longing never stops and the anxiety and fear are constant. Is it love she wants? An easy life? Deep down inside is a proud self. Is it old age that she fears? Predators? She fears disappearing without finding anything. But don't worry. There are clues close at hand and friends who can help you. This work is expressed in three layers, the top is longing, the middle is reality, and the bottom is something to be afraid of. This is for all those who are anxious!