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「内なる混沌を抱かねば、踊る星は生まれない」 One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. Digitally hand painted in Clip Studio Paint. size : 2800 x 4240
Hypnotic Exchange
We must free ourselves in our minds from the monster which is the Hypnotic Exchange or be consumed by it. 60 by 45cm Pastel and Charcoal Originally created and Minted on Opensea.
「Jack O' Phantom」
― London 19th century It was another night as Scotland Yard, led by Inspector Ivan Luther, continued to patrol the area of the exhibition hall. "There's nothing wrong outside, Inspector" "Good, We must protect the Queen's precious jewelry from that jerk, don't be careless" The serious inspector said. "Roger that" After the subordinates return to their duties, he picked up the letter sent several days ago and read it over. It was an annoying riddle challenging the reader's intelligence and the meaning was... 「 Twenty past midnight I'll come pick up 'The Hope Diamond' ― Jack O' Phantom 」 Suddenly, one of the officers shouted. "Up there!" “That's Jack! Catch him!” Inspector Ivan immediately gave an order before running up to the top floor. He was the first to arrive. A young man in a black robe was already floating in midair waiting for him. "Hello, Inspector" Jack's lips curled into a grin. "Please have fun with my show"