Sealed Auctions
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Starlit Glitches
Has visual disturbances when sees things such as starlight with glitch effects when going to an infinite dimension. Format: GIF
Sea & Snow - "Memory"
Sea & Snow - "Memory" Her gaze, it felt like we've met somewhere before, You were deep in my heart, I had forgotten about you, Such an emotional moment You haven't changed since those days, I never expected that even now, You would quietly be living, what a miracle. ---------------------------------------- *** Those who bid on this piece have to agree to the following contents. -The original artist can use this work in books and goods, regardless of whether it is for-profit or non-profit.
月の光に照らされた空を思わせる淡い白色。 白の中にもわずかな青や銀のニュアンスが含まれており、清涼感や繊細さを感じさせる色 日本では古来より、月に関連するものは雅で風流な象徴とされ、この色も茶道の掛け軸や和装の柄など、静謐で落ち着いた雰囲気の表現に使われた。 A pale bluish white reminiscent of a moonlit sky. Since ancient times in Japan, anything related to the moon has been considered a symbol of elegance and refinement, and this color has been used to express a tranquil and calm atmosphere, such as in hanging scrolls for the tea ceremony and patterns on Japanese clothing. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 生身で空が飛べる不思議な少年。 月の出る夜に現れ、深夜でも起きている人々に軽い悪戯をしては、去っていく。 彼と目を合わせた者は、これまで生きてきた人生上の「快樂」の記憶を全て抜かれ、悦楽の求め方を忘れ、虚無の人生を送る羽目になるという。 A mysterious boy who can fly. He appears on moonlit nights, plays light pranks on people who are awake in the middle of the night, and then leaves. It is said that anyone who makes eye contact with him will have all of their memories of the "pleasures" they have experienced in life up to that point stolen, forgetting how to seek pleasure and being forced to live a life of emptiness. List~2025/3/31.
There is the lore of mistress of darkness, telling from time to time. She once was a young beautiful little girl who lives her life in a family of magician. She's such truly kind heart.. as sweet as nectar... but one day that innocent heart will be corrupted and she will be devour into the end endless abyss. High expectation from her parents killing her slowly without the girl herself noticing this fact. It's the beginning of unforgiven disaster... As time passed by the girl hunger for more power. She need to getting stronger, and not even care if she's walking or the right or wrong path. All she ever need is just to proving herself to her family that she's powerful and their expectation is never too high for her to archive. But no... it's never enough... Darkness started to taken over her mind and heart. When it's come to her realization it's already too late to turning back. Once again a family pushed and forces one innocent child to walk in the wrong path. And now.. "Asarapak".. The mistress and enchantress of darkness is awaken. . . . 2000 x 2600 px (PNG)