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The White Bunny
The white bunny blooms bright In the digital world's light A fragrant delight ( 2185 x 3101 px )
White poppy
Pigeons, olives, white poppies It's a symbol of peace
White clover
Koharu is making a white clover flower crown to cover Ume. Ume seems to be crazy about the butterfly. The crown looks a little big for Ume, but Koharu doesn't mind. Small honeybees are flying around. The sun is getting stronger and we can hear the footsteps of early summer. ---------------------- This is one of a series of works by original characters Koharu and Ume. I hope you enjoy a scene from their daily life together. ----------------------- シロツメクサの花冠を作って梅に被せたい様子の小春。 梅はちょうちょに夢中なようだ。 花冠は梅には少し大きいように見えるが、彼女は気にしていない。 小さなミツバチが辺りを飛んでいる。 日差しが強くなり、初夏の足音が聞こえる。 ---------------------------- オリジナルキャラクターの小春と梅の作品シリーズのひとつです。 二人の日常のワンシーンをお楽しみください。 ----------------------------- 5870*4175 pixel 350 dpi
特に陶磁器の釉薬(陶磁器や琺瑯の表面をおおっているガラス質の部分)やその焼き物の色調に見られる淡い青みがかった美しい白色。 中国の宋時代に発展した青白磁は、その優雅な色調と滑らかな質感が特徴で、日本の茶道具や装飾品にも影響を与え、大名クラス以上の人々に珍重された。 自然界の柔らかな光や水の透明感を思わせ、落ち着きと品格を感じさせる色。 A beautiful white color with a light bluish tinge, especially found in ceramic glazes (the glassy part covering the surface of ceramics and enamel) and their pottery tones. Developed in China during the Song dynasty, blue-and-white porcelain, with its elegant coloring and smooth texture, influenced Japanese tea ceremony utensils and decorative objects, and was prized by people of the daimyo class and above. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 肌、髪、虹彩など、あらゆる肉体が白く生まれる一族の少年。世襲で神社の祭神となり、祀られている。 年に2度の大祭の折にだけ仮面を外し、素顔を見せ、声を出す。 その日以外は決して外に出ず、社に籠り祈りを捧げている。 He is a boy of a family born white in every physical aspect, including skin, hair, and iris. He is enshrined as a shrine deity by hereditary succession. He takes off his mask, reveals his true face, and speaks out only on the occasion of the twice-yearly grand festival. List~2025/3/31.
Shiro is a white bunny. She is calmer, cooler and kinder than Kuro.
月の光に照らされた空を思わせる淡い白色。 白の中にもわずかな青や銀のニュアンスが含まれており、清涼感や繊細さを感じさせる色 日本では古来より、月に関連するものは雅で風流な象徴とされ、この色も茶道の掛け軸や和装の柄など、静謐で落ち着いた雰囲気の表現に使われた。 A pale bluish white reminiscent of a moonlit sky. Since ancient times in Japan, anything related to the moon has been considered a symbol of elegance and refinement, and this color has been used to express a tranquil and calm atmosphere, such as in hanging scrolls for the tea ceremony and patterns on Japanese clothing. ◇ー・ー・ー・ー・ー・◇ 生身で空が飛べる不思議な少年。 月の出る夜に現れ、深夜でも起きている人々に軽い悪戯をしては、去っていく。 彼と目を合わせた者は、これまで生きてきた人生上の「快樂」の記憶を全て抜かれ、悦楽の求め方を忘れ、虚無の人生を送る羽目になるという。 A mysterious boy who can fly. He appears on moonlit nights, plays light pranks on people who are awake in the middle of the night, and then leaves. It is said that anyone who makes eye contact with him will have all of their memories of the "pleasures" they have experienced in life up to that point stolen, forgetting how to seek pleasure and being forced to live a life of emptiness. List~2025/3/31.
Bloody shot.
Submission for RosenticaArtContest Red/Black/White color brings these two to the top! I love these couple character so much I've designed the girl using her phone take a selfie shot with the boy and the results come out very good Thank you for an amazing event.
Status Zero
The artwork "Status Zero" is a tribute to old-school games, inspired by the aesthetics of pixel art. In a black-and-white palette, an animated world comes to life, embodying the spirit of retro video games and their enchanting simplicity. The animated anime girl becomes an integral part of this digital theater, expressing the nostalgia of times when every pixel was precious, and every frame was a small work of art.