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A group of dreaming maidens
Wrapped in flowers, eating the petals, sucking up the density from the depths of the earth, and living with beautiful hair fluttering in the air. It just is. Eventually, when everything is gone, they will cry and eat each other.
shitsu wareta shōjo
"I found her, but she was wrapped in worries, like a dense web of dark thoughts that kept her trapped and lost in herself." 「私は彼女を見つけましたが、彼女は不安に包まれており、暗い思考の密集した網のようなもので、彼女は自分自身に閉じ込められ、迷っていました。」 Watashi wa kanojo o mitsukemashitaga, kanojo wa fuan ni tsutsumi ma rete ori, kurai shikō no misshū shita ami no yōna mono de, kanojo wa jibun jishin ni tojikome rare, mayotte imashita. - It was a cold night, and there she was, motionless, in the shadows of the deserted road.
#91 星空の迷子/Lost in the Starry Sky
描かれた宇宙に、少女はそっと思いを馳せる。 毎日同じ風景に包まれながら、彼女の小さな迷いが揺れる。 遥かな星々は届かぬ夢を映し、未来への道は霧に覆われている。 In the depicted universe, a girl gently lets her thoughts wander. Wrapped in the same scenery every day, her small doubts sway. The distant stars reflect unreachable dreams, and the path to the future is shrouded in mist.